If you received a personal message from a Sage from far away, would you pay attention to that? And so, it is with our dreams.

James Hollis, PhD

A woman with a girl.


Dreams & Imagination
Can Change Your Life

As a 6-year-old child I had to leave my hometown and my parents in Siberia and move to a sanatorium in the Ural Mountains with a goal to improve my health. I spent the whole year there without knowing when I would be able to return home.

During that time, I stayed connected with my parents mostly through my fantasies, day-dreaming and rare letters.

Fantasies that were very helpful to me as a child, became a false refuge in my adult life. I would keep fantasizing about a new project or skill but would do little work to progress. I would relate more to imagined people than to real ones.

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Then, in 1992 Stanley Krippner, a professor of psychology at Saybrook University visited my hometown in Siberia. I translated his workshop on dreams. This led to my learning about mythology, Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, meditation, and presence.

I eventually discovered how body and emotional intelligence bring me back to the reality of life so that I can use my imagination for innovation and creativity, rather than as an escape. Being present, listening consciously and committing to my projects became and still is my daily practice.

When I studied at the Leadership and Transformation program of the Hendricks Institute, CA, I was asked to present on the interpretation of dreams.

The presentation was a great success. It confirmed to me the importance of the dialogue between our conscious mind and the images that come from our depth.

My creativity exploded. I studied the writings of Carl Jung, presented on dreams, led workshop on conscious global living, recited poetry, produced videos, and published my book on wonder questions.

I do what I do today because more people need to know the power of their dreams, daydreams, and imagination.

I see many highly productive people in their mid-life looking for a new direction in life, asking themselves big questions and searching for deeper meaning.

Dreamwork gives you an access to a great source of renewal and direct connection with your truth and natural creativity.

You probably worked hard so that you could provide for your family and bring a positive change into the world. It might also be that a big piece of you, the desire of your soul, went into hiding and stayed unexpressed. You have the power to reclaim this forgotten piece now.

Dreamwork combined with consciousness will provide you with an opportunity to enrich your own life and contribute to the world on a
new level.

Oxana Holtmann
birds flying.

You know there was an important message in your dream, but “poof” - the memory is gone.

Your friend shares a dream with you, but you don’t know how to help them understand it.

You’re about to accept a job offer, but you have scary dreams. Shall you just ignore them?

In your dream you are being late, chased, unprepared for an exam... How to shake the feeling off?

I use A powerful combination Of

My Skills & Experience

Jungian Tools

I completed a four-year, certificate bearing, Advanced Jungian Studies Program in Washington DC, with a focus on the study and application of the key Jungian concepts in our own lives and in the cultural collective.

Carl Jung

Conscious Leadership

I am a member of the Conscious Leadership Forum, where organizational leaders practice conscious living and leadership tools. I’m also a certified Transformation Leader graduate of the Hendricks Institute.

conscious leadership

The Enneagram

I’ve been studying and applying The Enneagram for my personal growth and my work with clients since 2008. Besides dreamwork, The Enneagram is one of the most powerful transformational tools I know.



I completed all five levels of improv training at the Washington Improv Theater. Improv teaches to listen, be spontaneously creative, courageous and work as a team. And so, it happens with good dreamwork.


I’m here to help you access the tremendous power of your soul that communicates with you through your dreams, fantasies, images and symbols.

send me your dream

How I am different

I value both, your achievements in the world and your inner life of dreams, images, and emotions.

I’m here to help you fully experience, embrace and express yourself.

I was privileged to study with the world-class teachers, and I want to share what I have learned with you: body and emotional intelligence, Gay and Katie Hendricks; mindfulness, Tara Brach; Conscious Leadership, Grace Clayton; the Jungian psychology, James Hollis, and many other wonderful teachers.

I see your deepest individual uniqueness as well as the global multiplicity of your being.

Like so many of us who has lived through turbulent times, and relocated to other courtiers and cultures, I learned to appreciate how multidimensional we all are.

Many of my clients are globally mobile professionals. This brings another layer of richness to our inner world, images and dreams.

Jane Warren
Oxana has this uncanny ability to see situations from a slightly different perspective - opening possibility and curiosity in whole new directions.

Jane Warren

Leadership Development Specialist at Developing Futures
Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.
Your voice has magical qualities. Thank you for shining the light of your consciousness and bright mind upon us.

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.

Psychologist, Writer, Founder of the Hendricks Institute
James Hollis, Ph.D.
Oxana is a warm, personable, multi-lingual, and multi-talented colleague. She is mature, responsible, discreet, honest, and utterly reliable.

James Hollis, Ph.D.

Jungian Analyst, Author
Liz Lacey
I appreciate your creativity, your ability to generate beauty and harmony, your presence, transparency, desire to learn, and the way you connect with me and others. You inspire me in many ways!

Liz Lacey

Yoga & Breathing Instructor
Mark Napack, M.A., S.T.L., M.S.
It gives me joy and inspiration the way you stay connected to life.

Mark Napack, M.A., S.T.L., M.S.

Psychotherapist | Faculty, Jung Society of Washington, D.C.
Carolyn Bain, Ph.D.
I’m moved in a powerful way toward new pathways by your courageous engagements.

Carolyn Bain, Ph.D.

Bain Pugh & Associates
Leslie Chertok, M.A., L.M.H.C.
I've experienced Oxana using both emotional attunement and strong intuition to see both the larger picture, and the details, naturally offering gems of wisdom to others.

Leslie Chertok, M.A., L.M.H.C.

Laureli Shimayo
Creative and elegant discerner of experiences, collaboration and transformative wisdom.

Laureli Shimayo

Errol Weiner
Oxana is a sensitive and practical individual. Her soul work served many people and brought meaning and healing into their lives.

Errol Weiner

Transpersonal Astrologer, Life Education in the 21st Century